I'm stunned when someone says I'm gonna do this
or that in the future.
They seem to forget the present is part of their life
on earth.
Value every moment of your life cause every sad,
maimed, disastrous, joyous, ecstatic moment were,
are and will be your life.
# You will always have a cross
#You will always solve them.
# must cry at sometime
#you must smile at some point.
# Someone must love you and
#Someone must hate you.
#Someone must discourage you.
#Someone must encourage you.
#You must make mistakes.
# But you can choose to either be eternally sober or
apply the lessons learnt and move on.
#£lse, someone who knows where he's going in
life is gonna push you out of the way to make way
for himself.
What did you think it was/is?
It's a damn vicious cycle.
# And at times, when life is dragging you down,
you've just got to obey the laws of gravity and get
down on your knees and # pray .