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Sunday, 28 February 2016

The Mistake Of Venial Sin

The mistake of venial sin. Mistaken as a not a sin at all. Just because your heart is blooded, doesn't mean the law of God has changed.
Venial sin: Any sin that was not committed willfully. Sin that doesn't kill the soul.
After fully explaining venial sin to a friend, he said of it, we are doomed oh.
"I'm struggling to keep from mortal sin and here is a type of sin I never thought was sin at all. This heaven sef, fit make am".
And I was like, let me help with that. It's easy to sin because you hold on to Satan and his life style. Hold on to God and it will be that easy to say, "I can make it".
The only problem as you climb n the ladder of holiness is that the work you'll to do increases as you go up the ladder.
Which with God's grace in time ceases to be a problem.
Purgatory is only reserved for the people you call holy, I said. Meaning, those without mortal sin but with venial sin.
Venial can be explained as , for example:
Someone of opposite sex walks passed you half naked. You stare at him/her, at some point your guardian Angel nugdes you and corrects you, then you chose to look away, you have chose willfully to not committed a mortal sin but a venial sin. For the image of him/her remains and helps its way to become a temptation. So ultimately, what the naked guy/girl couldn't do in person, his/her image did it later.
Mortal sins leave a scar, that even after a confession, you need to gain indulgences to wipe them away.
Restitution: A particular man sold a CD plate to a sister at a prayer ground. Now the sister forgot to collect the CD plate. Later the man died and went to purgatory. He was given the grace to appear to a friend in a dream. Who later went in search of the sister who paid for the CD plate.
When he found her, she shed tears. Later that night he appeared to the friend thanking him.
"The sin of the flesh makes war on us all. The greatest of them all have been it's victim."
The grace of God and our willingness to accept God grace will win us salvation.
Benedicamus dominus!

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