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Sunday, 15 May 2016

A Stolen Episode

He stepped in with grace, like one who has a million dollar to his name.
"I would like a ticket for that movie."
After starting at the brochure for minutes, he made a move for the movie with 'Thor' on the poster. As he was about leaving the booth, a girl stepped in, and stepped on his foot. He turned, taking a look at her, he saw she was giving him a countenance which seemed to read— "you no dey see road?"
Being a gentleman of some degree, he motioned to get his pop corn.
There he was, collecting the 'swear' of a pop corn and the vicious lady nearly knock it off of his hand, but for the almost instant intervention of his reflex.
He walked into the viewing room only to realise he was being stalked by someone. He didn't turn to check inorder not to summon an ambience of awkwardness. As he stepped into his seat, a voice said, "may I sit?"
"Most certainly," he said.
"So he stood you up right?"
"You would know, wouldn't you," she retorted.
"There are very few instances that lead a lady here alone."
"Really," she replied.
"He said he was going to show up, then he thought better of it."
"So I'm not worth meeting?"
"Good. Tell that to him."
Then he continued.
"He most likely got himself a nice believable excuse for when next you two meet. You are always early in everything you do and obviously the heart of your 'relationship', so you made it earlier than the rendezvous time, only for him to stall. Now you're already here, I'm guessing you are the type that can't let a moment go to waste. So you bought yourself a ticket and almost ruined my evening in the process.
" Is that all, or you still have some divining to do? "
"Wait, let me ask Ifa."
"You're a nairalander," she cut in almost immediately.
Someone shushed them from in front.
"Shut up too, or I don't believe it," she slammed.
They both laughed as she used the colloquial nairaland phrase.
Their 'shusher' got up, moved to another seat and sat there.
"You do know your boyfriend is not around, right?"
"I've got you."
"Ha ha ha. You don't 'gat' me," shaking his head as he gave her a dissuading countenance.
"Make I here," she said smiling while calling his bluff.
The movie was soon over with neither of them glimpsing at the big screen. They both stepped out of the cinema and he made as if to leave.
"You didn't even tell me your name," she said.
"Okay then. I'm Guy Xander."
"Really? I meant your real name."
"That's short for Gaius Alexander."
"Oh. I'm Jane Janet. That's my Facebook name."
"I thought we were exchanging real names."
"Well, who said I believed Gauis Alexander is your real name,"she said as she bade her farewell.

PS: Intellectual property of Antonio Francesco

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