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Monday, 13 April 2015


I gave it to most prized
possesion. You told me that you'd make sketches
n drawings for me...beautiful ones...of flowers,
trees n parks...n of sunsets n sunrises...n of
course, buildings. So I gave it to you whole
But when I saw the first was nothing
but scribbles...ugly ugly the
markings of a demoniac.
And so I took it from you. I took my sketchbook
back...though I didnt want to.
But came back...n said u were
sorry...that you wanted to make it right...
...n just like God taught me, I forgave...n I gave u
my sketchbook...again.
But when I got it back, i saw worse
markings...very bad ones.
...n each stroke I saw tore at the claws
of a fiery dragon...n sunk beneath my a
vampire's fangs.
Heartbroken, I took it from you...again.
But you wouldnt stop coming. You came back,
each time looking more contrite...n I thought you
really I gave freely...but you only got
But I believed in I still gave...
...there was one page left...just one page.
Then came you again...asking for pardon and one
last chance. And I told you...I had one page left. I
could not take that risk.
Then you promised. You promised to make it up
to me for all the wasted n lost pages. You swore
you were going to make it all right...that you'd
tend to my broken heart.
Then, I, vulnerable...n hungry for something
beautiful, gave it to you. I gave you my very last
page...because I believed.
But didnt change...just like a leopard
can't lose its spots.
You not only scribbled on it. You neglected it...n
my heart with it.
It was drenched in the rain n scorched by the
sun. The little boys on the street played with it.
Drunks fought over it...n then you came along...n
with your very own tore it up...into
tiny bits n pieces...
...n the wind carried it away.
Then you came back...asking for one more clean
sheet...even if only a scrap. But I had none to
give...for I gave all I had to you.
So you left...sad and beaten.
And I cried...because I was hurt and heartbroken.
I cried because the were no beautiful
sketches...or even memories...just sad heart-wrenching memories.
And I hope you learnt something here: to use
every opportunity to create beautiful memories in
the minds of all you meet...because if you dont,
one day, there will be no more opportunities, just
sad sad memories.
Good bye.
Article by Hope Eboh E.

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