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Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Heroes don't look like me

It was supposed to be fun. An outdoor function for legionaries.
I was so looking forward to it.
Disaster strikes at first light.
After been checked in, I sat close to a girl who I was having a crush on. As soon as I sat she said she wasn't going to sit there any longer. As she made a move towards  a friend of mine I felt immensely embarrassed. Was I so irritating?
I didn't ask for long though as she was a side attraction. The bus zoomed off. We finished the whole rosary as this was a prayer activity.
Before long we arrived at the cave/water falls.
It was magnificent!
As I was water shy, didn't go swimming. Taking photos and selfies was more than enough fun or who was I kidding.
So I sort of swore never to visit places where people go with their girlfriends alone.
As I sat wondering how pitiful my scenario was, I heard a scream.
It sounded like one out of a Hollywood horror movie.
Twas a swarm of bees. The MC told everyone to calm down and indeed they did.
I looked at myself. I wasn't having fun and I was looking after peoples' cloth who went swimming.
The movie "final destination" started playing in my head.
I didn't want to panic as everyone wasn't. But as soon as I remember the treacherous stairway we climbed down with. It dawned on me, if I didn't leave now and things get worse, I won't be dying from bees; I would die from a stampede. So I tried warning as many as I could but just then a bee stung me on my head. It felt so painful. I threw all the clothes I was holding; ran up the stairway as fast and as careful as I could. Outside the cave I started hearing screams of different kinds. I remember the girl who jilted me in the bus while coming and somewhere in me I feared for her safety. There began a huge battle in me. Multiple voices were talking. One said, "you truly love this girl and you'll let her die?"
I responded, "it's just bees!" "She isn't gonna die joor."
I was still watching people come out when I saw a friend of mine come out and go in again. And I screamed in my head, "is he mad?"
I started searching for the girl among the people who had come out but she was no where in sight.
There I made up my mind to go back in. Then something said to me. "This girl will not make it to your funeral if go there and kill yourself." I stopped there. Inert as if held down by a force.
Turning around I saw the said girl: hale and hearty.
In the jacket of some macho guy.
Then I said to myself, "look at me going to save a celebrity".
I'm not all stupid after all.
People had a bump or two somewhere on their body except me.
The only thing I had was a headache.
I don't regret not going down because I realized two things:
1. Someone else wants me safe.
2. The one I was trying to save doesn't care or need my help.

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